California : One in 2021, Another in 2022, Twin Siblings Born 15 Minutes Apart.


In a rare birth of twins in California recently, a brother and a sister were born 15 minutes apart, but in different years. The brother, Alfredo Antonio was born around 11:45 pm on 31 December 2021, and his sister Aylin was born exactly on midnight, which made her birth year 2022.

Born to Fatima Madrigal and Robert Trujillo of Greenfield City, California, the birth is considered to be a very rare one. The hospital, Natividad Medical Center, put out a post on Facebook and detailed the incident along with a picture of the twins.

“It’s crazy to me that they are twins and have different birthdays. I was surprised and happy that she [Aylin] arrived at midnight,” said Fatima, the mother.

Dr Ana Arias, who delivered the babies also expressed her joy and said, “This was definitely one of the most memorable deliveries of my career.” “It was an absolute pleasure to help these little ones arrive here safely in 2021 and 2022.”

The couple has three more children, two girls and a boy. The twins were born in a healthy condition and the mother is also keeping well, according to the hospital.